We aren’t talking about ice cream though. We are talking about voice! 

Screaming, talking too loud, talking a lot, and coughing can cause abuse to your voice, specifically your vocal folds. It is like hitting your knuckles together a bunch of times. That is what is happening to your vocal folds when you abuse them. 

If you feel like your throat is hurting, you sound croaky like a frog or you lose your voice you should rest your voice by not talking as much and drinking a lot of water. If your throat continues to be bad you should go see a doctor.

You should be drinking about 64 ounces of water a day. That’s 8 glasses of water! If your throat is hurting or you are exercising, you should be drinking even more than that.

If you do not take care of your voice it can cause bleeding, swelling, and/or something to grow in your throat that may need surgery.

These things happen to coaches and teachers a lot, so make sure to listen to them the first time they talk so they don’t have to yell.