Mastering our emotions is key to being truly successful and reaching our goals. 

We can help by teaching these concepts:

  • Teamwork and respect for self and others is a priority. The process of improvement is what matters, not just the outcome of winning or losing.
  • Mistakes will happen; it’s how we react to those mistakes that make all the difference! Mistakes are opportunities to identify what needs to be strengthened and improved. 
  • We are all human, and we are not perfect. Remember FAIL means, First Attempt In Learning. Encourage progress over perfection!

When we are passionate about something, strong emotions are inevitable. Here are some tips that will help our kids manage their emotions.

  • Take 3 deep breaths or count slowly to 10 when negative feelings arise
  • Talk about how they are feeling (instead of using negative behaviors)
  • Ask for help when there is a problem